Coach’s Frequently Asked Questions
We’ve collected some questions we frequently hear from coaches.
How do I find the inventories that have been assigned to me?
The organization/church you are working with will typically be the one to assign inventories purchased by an individual (as a member of a couple or as an individual) to a coach. As a coach, once you are logged in, go to the main menu and select the Coach’s Corner/Assigned Inventories entry. For convenience, you can also go to My Accounts/My Inventories to get to the same place. You will see a list of the inventories that include both those assigned to you as well as those you have purchased. For each inventory, the inventory ID, inventory type, coupon code, user name and any associated notes are displayed.
- Hovering over the user’s name in the User column will show you their username and email.
- The Notes field is editable! This is a useful place to save short information about the user’s associated with the inventory. Simply click on the text, make any changes/additions, then click anywhere outside of the box to save the changes.
- Click on the ID (Inventory ID) and you will be shown a popup giving detailed information about the inventory, including purchase date, status, etc. Within the status information are links that will take you to the LIMRI system to handle the inventory. A screenshot of a popup is shown below.
How do I get associated with a church or organziation?
The church or organization has to assign you as a coach to be associated with their organization account. Please contact the church/organization you are working with and have them associate your login with their organization.
I've forgotten my sign in name or password.
The email address you used to register on this site is your sign in name.
If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it through the site. First, lick on the Sign In link at the top-right of every page. At the bottom of the resulting popup, you will see a Forgot your password? link you should click on. You will be asked to enter your email for your account. You will receive then receive an email that will contain a link that you should copy/paste into a web browser. The resulting webpage will let you enter a new password for your account.