Ron's Blog
Ron Hitchcock provides periodic thoughts on marriage and topics related to Life In Motion Relationship Resources.
The Do-Over
Arguments are common in relationships and workplaces because emotionally healthy people view themselves as thoughtful, caring, and intelligent. Do-Over will allow you to communicate from your heart when previous attempts have failed.
Keeping Your Relationship and Career Vibrant
Entrepreneurs and Marriage
Many premarital couples managed their relationship like a startup company. The engagement and wedding plans took up most of their time and resources. They wanted the benefits and stability of a life-long relationship without developing a marriage plan, nor did they take the time to understand each other’s family of origins or their personality differences.
Family Is Better Around The Campfire
A great family is formed around its differences, not its similarities. However, there is a moment when everyone sitting around the campfire is living in the same moment and that’s magical and a time to thank God.
Supporting Couples & Families
The most significant loss to a couple is the loss of hope. Psalms 61 says, “When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I”. Marital counseling is so beneficial. However, relationships experience reconciliation when one or both spouses want to move forward from a restored hope. This type of hope can only come from spending time in God’s presence.
The Creepy Things People Do
You may be one of the billions of people who have done a creepy thing that deeply wounded your spouse and children and come to know that nothing could repair the breach of integrity, trust, or dignity inflicted upon them and yourself.