Organization’s Frequently Asked Questions
We know that many things have changed with the new interface to manage and use coaches, users and inventories. We’ve collected some of the most frequently asked questions here. If you have one that isn’t here, please feel free to Contact us!
How do I find an inventory and get more information about it?
The Manage/Organization Inventories page provides a central place to search and review an inventory. When you select Manage/Organization Inventories and select the List all xx inventories option, you will see a listing of all of the inventories that you as an organization have purchased as well as those inventories purchased by others using a coupon you defined and provided to them. This page list the following information:
- ID – A 10-digit Inventory identifier,
- Inventory – The name/type of inventory
- Coupon Code – The coupon (if any) used to purchase this inventory.
- User – The name of the person who purchased the inventory. If you purchased this, it is flagged with an “*”. Hovering over this name will show the user’s username and email address.
- Notes – Any notes associated with the inventory. The Notes field is editable! This is a useful place to save short information about the user’s associated with the inventory. Simply click on the text, make any changes/additions, then click anywhere outside of the box to save the changes.
Finding an Inventory
All of these columns are sortable. Simply click on the up/down arrow to the right of the column’s name to sort them in ascending or descending order. This can be useful for finding a specific inventory.
The Search box at the top-right of the table display can be used to restrict the table entries to just those that contain the characters entered in the box. The search will ignore upper/lowercase distinctions and will match wherever the characters are found. So, entering “ron” will return entries that contain “Ronald”, “Aaron“, “Bronson”, etc. If you remember that the inventory ID started with “7933”, entering that would return entries like “7933146217″ and “4179332214″.
Getting Inventory Details
Clicking on the Inventory ID in the first column will result in a popup window appearing with current details regarding the inventory. This includes purchase information, expiration dates, assigned coach, etc. In the Status section are links to the LIMRI where the inventory itself can be viewed. A screenshot of a sample popup is below.
How do I associate a coach with my organization?
Associating a coach with your organization can be done through the Manage/Organization Coaches menu item. This page will allow you to:
- List coaches currently associated with your organization.
- Associate a new coach with your organization.
- Remove the association of a coach with your organization.
Associating a coach with your organization
To associate a new coach with your organization, you will need to know the coach’s login. This is typically their email address.
- After going to the Organization Coaches page, select the Associate Coach entry.
- Enter their email or username into the Input coach’s login box and click Next Step.
- If the email is currently registered on our site, then you will see a page that presents some information about the user to allow you to confirm that this is indeed the user you want to have associated with your organization. Please check it carefully as there are many John Smith’s in the world…!
- Note! If the user is found but is currently registered as a “guest” on our system, this will “promote” them to the coach role.
- If everything looks OK, then click on Confirm. That coach user can now be assigned inventories as a coach associated with your organization.
To disassociate a coach:
- After going to the Organization Coaches page, select the Disassociate Coach entry.
- A selection box containing the coaches currently associated with your organization will appear. Select the coach’s entry and click on Next Step.
- You will see information about the coach. Confirm that this is the correct coach and, if so, click on Confirm.
How do I assign an inventory to a coach?
When you have inventories purchased using a coupon you’ve defined, you will want to be able to assign these inventories to a coach who will work with the couple or team. In order to assign an inventory to a coach, that coach must already be associated with your organization. To do this, go to the main menu’s Manage/Organization Inventories entry.
To assign one or more inventories to a coach:
- Go to the main menu’s Manage/Organization Inventories page.
- On the new page, select Assign inventory – select one/more from list under the Make one or more selections from a list heading and then click on Next Step.
- You will now see a page that lists all of the inventories that have not yet been assigned to a coach. Each inventory/row lists:
- The Inventory ID (IID) for the inventory.
- The Coupon Code used when the inventory was purchased.
- The inventory product name associated with this coupon code.
- The User‘s name and email who purchased the inventory.
- The Date the inventory was purchased.
- To find the inventory(s) you wish to assign, you can use the Search box to narrow the displayed inventories. Or, you can click on the up/down triangles in the column heading to sort on that column. This is especially useful to group all of the inventories purchased with a coupon code!
- Use the checkbox in the first column for each inventory to select one ore more inventories to assign to a coach.
- At the bottom of the page, use the drop-down to select the coach who will be assigned the inventories.
- Click on Assign Selected.
Assign a single Inventory ID to a coach
There may be instances when you simply want to quickly assign a known inventory ID to a coach., To do this:
- Go to the main menu’s Manage/Organization Inventories page.
- On the new page, select Assign – enter Inventory ID, select Coach from list under the Enter Inventory ID and Coach heading and then click on Next Step.
- Input the inventory ID in the Enter the 10-digit Inventory ID (IID) box.
- Choose the coach from the Select a coach to be assigned drop-down.
- Click Assign IID.
Remove coach assignment
Removing a coach’s assignment of an inventory ID is handled by the “unassign” options. The processing is basically identical to that described above.
Can I as an organization assign an inventory to myself?
Yes. Although this isn’t strictly necessary as the inventory will always appear in your inventory listing, it can be useful if you have inventories you assign to coaches and you also work with users as a coach. Assigning them to your organization account will let you know which inventories have been assigned (to you or coaches) and which ones remain unassigned.
To assign inventories to your organization account, first you must associate your organization account as a coach for your organization. Doing this adds your account to the list of possible coaches for your organization. Just follow the steps outlined in the How do I associate a coach with my organization? in the Organization FAQ. Go to the Associating a coach with your organization portion of the page and follow those steps. Enter your account username or email in as the Coach account. When you make the assignment, it will note that you have been assigned as a coach. This does not change your account to a coach status – you remain an organization.
How do I use coupons?
Organizations frequently wish to provide their users with a discount on the purchase of a LIMRI inventory. We have provided this capability by allowing an organization to define a coupon that can be given to their users. This coupon is created when the organization purchases a “coupon product”, where a coupon product is associated with a specific inventory. For example, if you as an organization wanted to provide a coupon to your users for the LIMRI Parent Assessment inventory, you would create the coupon by purchasing the coupon product Coupon for Parent Assessment. It is easier to understand by simply going through the purchase process (I hope!). When purchasing this coupon product, you are essentially :
- Defining the coupon code
- Defining the discount amount for each use
- Defining the maximum number of uses for the coupon
To create a new coupon:
- Go to the Shop/Coupons page to get a list of available coupon products.
- Find the coupon product for the LIMRI you wish to have your users purchase. For our Parent Assessment inventory, the coupon product will be named Coupon for Parent Assessment. Click on the icon to go to the product’s page.
- You will now have to enter information about your new coupon which will be created to provide discounts on the purchase of the associated inventory.
- In the Enter a unique code for the coupon: box, enter your desired coupon code (name). This coupon code will have to be unique. We strongly suggest that you use a portion of your organization’s name or initials as part of the coupon name.
- For example, if you are the Lima Grace Fellowship Church, instead of naming the coupon SPRING you would name it LGFC_SPRING. The chances of it being unique are much greater using this method.
- You can define the discount amount that you will provide to your users. This amount times the number of uses you define in a later step will determine what you are charged. Enter your discount amount in the Enter a dollar discount amount ($0.00 – $xx.00): box. This amount can be anything between $0.00 and the full price of the inventory.
- Why would you ever enter $0.00? Because we provide you with a means of knowing who used this coupon, you can use the coupon with no ($0.00) discount as a way to track who uses the coupon and might be attending an associated class or seminar using the inventory.
- A coupon can be used one time by each individual purchasing an inventory. Each coupon also has a limit on how many different people may use the coupon. The number of uses you want to purchase for this coupon should be entered into the quantity box.
- To reiterate, you will be charged the discount amount times the number of coupon uses you have purchased. So for our Coupon for Parent Assessment example, if you defined a discount of $2.50 and a quantity of 20 uses, your total price of $50.00 will appear in the cart.
- Click on Add to cart to add this to the cart.
Adding additional uses to an existing coupon
If you ever need to add additional uses to this or any existing coupon:
- Go to the Shop/Coupons page to get a list of available coupon products.
- Find the coupon product for the you originally had purchased. Click on the icon to go to the product’s page.
- Check the box beside Add uses to an existing coupon.
- Enter the Coupon code for the coupon you previously purchased.
- Enter the quantity, which is the number of additional uses you wish to add to the coupon’s total uses.
- Note: You cannot change the discount amount.
- Click on Add to Cart.
How do I see what coupons I've purchased?
Look at the menu item Manage/My Coupons which will take you to a listing of the coupons you have purchased. From there you can also see who has used those coupons to purchase an inventory.
How do I send a coupon to a couple?
We have tried to simplify the process of sending a coupon to one or more users/couples. To do this:
- Go to My Account/My Coupons in the main menu. This will display a list of all of the coupons you have defined.
- On the right side of an entry for a coupon you will see a small Send Coupon button. Click this to take you to the Send Coupon page.
- On the Send Coupon page, you will be presented with a simple form to allow you to compose an email message with the coupon information contained within it. We have filled in the From, Your email, Subject and Message fields, but you can change these as you wish. Importantly, we have also included the coupon code and a direct link to the inventory product that the user can purchase using the coupon code.
- You can send the email to one user/couple or multiple ones by entering one or more emails into the Send to one/more emails box. Entering multiple emails is a convenient way to send the identical coupon message to a group of people.
- The mails can be separated by blanks or commas.
- There currently is a limit of 25 emails that can be entered at one time.
- Note: we send the emails one at a time for each email address. This way, the email to a user does not show the email addresses of any other users you may have entered here.
- Send the coupon to only one person in the relationship to keep the man and woman from activating two separate inventories. Instruct the person who is activating the coupon to forward the receipt that includes the man and woman pins to their spouse/fiancé.
- Check the Send email copy to yourself to receive a BCC for each email sent.
- Finally, click on Send emails.
One important note. The emails that are sent will come from, not your email address (e.g.,, etc). We do this to avoid problems with email verifications. We automatically add a short disclaimer at the end of your email telling the recipient to not reply to the email they just received. Instead, if they want to contact you with a question, they are instructed to click on a link we provide in the disclaimer that will allow them to send an email directly to you.
How do I add uses to a coupon?
If you purchase a coupon and its uses have all been used or you simply want to add additional uses to the current total, you can add additional usage to the coupon by following these steps.
- Login to
- Go to the Buy Now menu item and select Coupons.
- Find the coupon product you had originally purchased ( e.g. Coupon for Standard LIMRI) and select it.
- Check the Add uses to an existing coupon box.
- The display will change slightly. Use the Enter the code of an existing coupon box to enter your existing coupon’s name.
- Change the amount box next to the Add to Cart button to indicate how many uses you want to add to your coupon.
- Click on Add to Cart.
- Proceed to checkout and complete the payment process.
My coupon has expired
When you purchase a coupon, it has an expiration date of 3 years past the purchase date. A simple way to extend the expiration date is to add 1 additional use to the coupon’s usage limit. Go to the How do I add uses to a coupon? FAQ entry and follow the instructions, setting the quantity to 1. You can then checkout. Adding the one use will also reset the expiration date to three years from the new purchase date.
How do I see who has used a coupon?
Once you have distributed a coupon code to your users, we’re sure you will want to see how those coupons have been used. We have created a Coupon Usage Report that will allow you to see who purchased the inventory associated with your coupon. To view this report:
- Select Manage/My Coupons from the main menu.
- On the next screen, find the Coupon code you are interested in, then click on Usage Report.
- You will see a detailed report on your coupon’s use. Under the Details for coupon heading you’ll find:
- The coupon’s code
- The date the coupon was created and the date it expires
- The discount amount for the coupon
- The associated LIMRI inventory
- The number of uses of the coupon so far, and the number of available uses remaining
- The time period for the report (initially set to the first and last purchase dates)
- Following this section, you’ll find entries for each individual coupon purchase. This includes:
- The name, email and available address information for the purchaser
- The inventory ID (IID) of the purchased inventory.
- For each individual using the inventory, their initial PIN value will be shown as well as a link to the LIMRI server to login and take the inventory. Typically, there will be entries for the Coach, the Man and the Woman.
- Note that if the PIN has been changed, the link will still work but the new PIN will be needed to complete the login.
- This information was shared with the purchaser in their order completion email.
- If there are a large number of orders, you can narrow the number displayed by setting a new Starting date and/or Ending date.
- Since we understand that many times a coupon is provided to users to purchase inventories that will be used as part of a class or seminar, you can click Print Roster to print a simple list of “attendees” using the entries shown.
I've forgotten my sign in name or password
The email address you used to register on this site is your sign in name.
If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it through the site. First, lick on the Sign In link at the top-right of every page. At the bottom of the resulting popup, you will see a Forgot your password? link you should click on. You will be asked to enter your email for your account. You will receive then receive an email that will contain a link that you should copy/paste into a web browser. The resulting webpage will let you enter a new password for your account.
How do I register my tax-exempt status?
We recognize that many of our organizational customers will have tax exempt status which they would like to apply to their orders. Once you have registered as a customer on our site, you may go to your My Account page and click on Tax Exemption Info in the left sidebar. You will be asked to provide information to confirm your tax exemption status. You will be notified when it is approved and you may then check a Tax Exemption box on the checkout page.
How do I view my subscription details?
Life In Motion Relationship Resources offers churches, counselors, Christian organizations, and relationship coaches an opportunity to have access to our DIY assessments, coupon, and other products through subscription plans. The products included, discount amount and duration all vary by subscription access plan, but the concepts to using them apply to all.
Once purchased, using a subscription is easy. If you have a subscription, it is automatically enabled when you sign in to our website. Note that after you have purchased a subscription plan, we strongly suggest you sign out and then sign back in to ensure that your subscription is picked up on login.
Once signed in, all products that are part of your subscription plan will be shown with their original price grayed out, replaced by their boldfaced subscription price. On the product page itself, you will again see the subscription price along with a small “badge” on the top-left of the product’s image to show it is in your subscription.
To manage your subscription, you can go to the My Account/Account Information page. A brief description of your subscription access plan will be shown in a light green box. For further information, you can click on the My Subscriptions link found on the page. This will take you to a list of any purchased subscriptions. Note that you may only have one subscription active at a time. Clicking on the Details button on the far-right will take you to another page that shows you more information about the subscription. The details include:
- Information for subscription – General subscription information, including the price, type, subscription start/end, etc.
- Subscription payments statistics – Lets you see how much the products you purchased using the subscription would have cost at their regular price, any bulk discount price, and price through the subscription.
- Note that the total prices shown include any products purchased during this time which were not included in the subscription. In this was, the total payments using the subscription will equal the total for your orders including any non-subscription products purchased.
- The customer savings entry is the difference between the Total order payments with quantity discount price and the Total order payments with subscription price.
- Subscription usage (by month) – This will show the number of orders by month.
- Products purchased – This shows the various products you have purchased. Products covered by the subscription are highlighted by a blue star ★.
- Subscription orders – This is a list of all orders during the subscriptions timeframe.