Video Tutorials for Coaches
Our video tutorials will walk you step-by-step through many of the common actions available to coaches. The LIMRI site where the inventory assessments are actually taken also includes additional video tutorials specific to actions involvement the review and completion of worksheets
Clicking on a video will start it playing. We recommend you click on the outward-facing arrows on the video player to display it full-screen to make it easier to follow.
How to send a coupon to a couple in your organization
Our coupons are a convenient way for organizations to provide a LIMRI inventory to a couple at a reduced rate while also allowing the organization to monitor the coupon’s usage. This video for an Organization will show how to assign an inventory that was purchased using a coupon to a Coach.
How to assign a coach to a couple who has used one of your organization's coupons
This video shows how to assign an inventory assessment’s worksheet to a couple.