Couples DISC and Personal Characteristics
The Couples Disc & Personal Characteristics LIMRI offers dating, engaged, and married couples an excellent opportunity to take a fun yet deep dive into their personality traits, temperaments, and unique giftedness. Couples will have many opportunities to celebrate their similarities and show appreciation for their differences. Each person is an extraordinary, unrepeatable miracle of God. Your relationship brings two thoughtful, caring, and committed people together who must learn from each other as they experience success and struggles in life.
The Personal Characteristics LIMRI uses thirteen statements such as I set high standards for myself, and I never allow myself to fail. Couples will benefit from a personalized report with side-by-side comparisons of the man’s and woman’s self-view and their view of each other’s personality and temperaments. The report validates the responses of the couple into two areas of engagement:
- Agreement with each other’s view of Always/Frequently occurring temperaments.
- Disagreement with each other’s view of Sometimes/Never occurring temperaments.
- Measure the intensity and frequency of each other’s characteristics.
- Worksheets identify areas of similarity or differences in temperament and behavior.
Couples will do well to remember that there are two forces in play for every interaction: one positive, the other negative. Your spouse, fiancé, or boy/girlfriend will appreciate your ability not to overact to change in one situation. Simultaneously, in another scenario, you may find that this same characteristic is not appreciated. There can be an equally adverse reaction for every positive benefit depending on the circumstances regarding one’s temperaments. Each person will respond to.