The way a couple thinks about money is as important as having more income than expenses at the end of the month. Most couples would agree that making more money would create more stability in their family or relationship.
Conflicts over money tend to have a higher intensity level than other types of disagreement that couples usually have. But money touches some core values that we call “non-negotiables.” A non-negotiable is often an unspoken vow such as, I will not allow debt to control my life, or I will live below my means. These values are strong indicators of being financially responsible; however, any threat to these vows is met with strong reactions when a major repair is needed or a job loss.
The Finance Report consists of nine statements: I am content with how my spouse spends his/her money, and I stay within our budget plan. The report gives a side-by-side comparison of the man’s and woman’s answers about their individual financial practices and their spouse’s attitude about money. The report validates areas of engagement as Agreement or Improvement Needed.
The report also includes:
- Strength worksheets that help couples to celebrate their agreement (strengths).
- Improvement needed worksheets that guide couples to develop shared values and boundaries in their finances.
- All worksheets use Scriptures, Principles, Discussion Questions, and Practical Applications.
- Growth Plans are devotionals that help couples begin their journey of enrichment.
The Bible teaches that money is about stewardship and blessing. We are responsible for being good stewards of the money that has been entrusted to us by God (Matthew 25:14-28). One of the values that I taught my children about money: We may not have money to spend on things that we want, but we will always have money to give to someone in need. Faithful stewardship of your money will bless and protect your relationship and others in so many ways.
Recommended Book: Financial Peace: Revisited by (Dave Ramsey)
Contact: Life In Motion Relationship Resources
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