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Friendship and Shared Values
The Friendship & Shared Values LIMRI offers couples a unique opportunity to enrich their relationship. The composite report will show how a couple’s friendship and shared values scores relate to couple satisfaction in a relationship. A couple that scores 55% agreement or higher in friendship and at least 64% agreement in shared values has reached couple satisfaction. Couple satisfaction is a way to describe the quality of a relationship.
All relationships need regular attention and enrichment. The Friendship and Shared Values LIMRI covers the most significant areas that influence the quality of a relationship. The statistical data from the Life in Motion Relationships Inventory (LIMRI) shows that couples older than thirty-three years of age score higher in shared values but lower in friendship, while couples younger than this score higher in friendship but lower in shared values.
The Friendship Report consists of nine statements, such as my spouse and I have a growing friendship and family responsibilities keep us from spending time together as a couple. The report gives a side by side comparison of the man’s and woman’s self-views about friendship and shared values and their spouse’s views about friendship and shared values. The report validates areas of engagement as Agreement or Improvement Needed.
The Shared Values Report consists of up to fifty statements about faith, finances, relationship, and parenting (if applicable).
The report also includes:
- Strength worksheets help couples celebrate their agreement in areas of friendship and shared values (strengths).
- Improvement needed worksheets that guide couples to take their friendship and shared values to a higher level of relationship satisfaction.
- All worksheets use Scriptures, Principles, Discussion Questions, and Practical Applications.
- Growth Plans are devotionals that help couples begin their journey of enrichment.
Recommended Book: The Journey to Oneness: Enriching, Renewing and Reconciling Marriage Relationships (by Ron Hitchcock).
Contact: Life In Motion Relationship Resources
More information about coaching sessions: Online Coaching Sessions