The Friendship LIMRI offers couples a unique opportunity to enrich their relationship. The composite report will show how a couple’s friendship scores relate to couple satisfaction in dating, engaged, and marriage relationships. A couple that scores 55% agreement or higher in friendship strength has reached couple satisfaction. Couple satisfaction is a way to describe the quality of a relationship.
All relationships need regular attention and enrichment. The Friendship LIMRI covers the most significant areas that influence the quality of a relationship. Friendship may come naturally during the early years of a relationship; however, a vibrant and lasting friendship requires a couple to cultivate and nurture their friendship intentionally. Spending time together and investing in a friendship helps couples keep the fires of attraction and fun burning in their relationship.
The Friendship LIMRI uses up to nineteen statements as I focus on my spouse’s positive characteristics, and My spouse and I have a growing friendship. The report gives a side by side comparison of the man’s and woman’s self-views about friendship and their views of each other’s opinions of friendship. The report validates areas of engagement as Agreement or Improvement Needed.
The report also includes:
- Strength worksheets that help couples to celebrate their agreement (strengths).
- Improvement needed worksheets that guide couples to protect their friendship from becoming stagnant or neglected.
- All worksheets use Scriptures, Principles, Discussion Questions, and Practical Applications.
- Growth Plans are devotionals that help couples begin their journey of enrichment.