The Spiritual Life & Shared Spiritual Life Combo LIMRI offers premarital and married couples a unique opportunity to celebrate, enrich, and deepen their faith as individuals and as a couple. A shared or common faith is one of the most important characteristics in a relationship. Research shows that common expressions of faith are highly desired by men and women in a relationship. An exceptional relationship is marked by two people who have a regular devotional life and a shared expression of faith.
The Spiritual Life Combo LIMRI will help you discuss sixteen essential areas of faith that serve as the foundation of every choice, plan, and response to successes and struggles in life, work, and family. Couples will benefit from a personalized report with side-by-side comparisons of the man’s and woman’s self-view and their view of each other. The report will collate areas of engagement as:
- Strengths and strength worksheets identify areas of agreement in the sixteen essential areas of spirituality.
- Improvement/Disagreement worksheets will help couples to discuss areas of spiritual life that may be underdeveloped or wherever there is a desire for a deeper connection of spiritual life between them.
- Growth plans that include a devotional and assigned worksheets.
- All worksheets include Scriptures, Principles, Discussion Questions and Practical Applications that are helpful to develop a shared spiritual life.
“The desperate need today is not for a greater number of intelligent people, or gifted people, but for deep people.” —Richard J. Foster