The Parent/Step-Family LIMRI Assessment
The Step-Family Parent LIMRI is a great resource for couples because it is comprehensive and practical. Parenting well together will increase the relationship satisfaction of premarital and married couples. A couple that struggles to develop shared parenting values will also struggle to establish a peaceful home and a harmonious relationship. The Parent/Step-Family LIMRI measures a wide range of engagement such as: Parenting has brought us closer in our marriage, I speak well of my spouse in front of our child, I am confident in my spouse’s parenting skills, I balance our marriage and my parental responsibilities well.
The report will give a side by side comparison of the man and woman’s self-view and their views of each other. This report will identify areas of agreement (parenting strength) and areas of disagreement or improvement needed. A growth plan and personalized worksheets provide the results from your responses.
In addition, your demographic responses will automatically generate an inventory that will represent your parenting responsibilities.
- Strength worksheets help couples to celebrate their Agreement (strengths) in multiple categories of engagement.
- Improvement/Disagreement worksheets use Scriptures, Principles, Discussion Questions and Practical Applications that help couples to discuss areas of their relationship and parenting responsibilities that would benefit from additional resources, prayer and teamwork.
The Step-Family LIMRI #1 — For Couples who have one or more children from a former relationship but no biological children with each other. Couples will respond to forty-one statements and will answer statements that reflect your family type such as: Husband/Wife’s children show respect to him/her, Husband/Wife works well with his/her former spouse/partner for the sake of his/her child, Children see us unified in our parenting.
The Step-Family LIMRI #1 includes these reports:
- Parenting
- Parenting Husband’s Child (when applicable)
- Parenting Wife’s Child (when applicable)
- Shared Spiritual Life
- Shared Values
The Step-Family LIMRI #2 — Couples that have one or more biological children together and one or both parents have one or more children from a former relationship(s). Couples will respond to sixty-eight statements and will answer statements that reflect your family type such as: Parenting brought us closer in our marriage, I speak well of my spouse in front of our child, Husband/wife works well with his/her former spouse/partner for the sake of his child, Children see us unified in our parenting.
The Step-Family LIMRI #2 includes these reports:
- Parenting
- Parenting Our Child
- Parenting Husband’s Child (when applicable)
- Parenting Wife’s Child (when applicable)
- Shared Spiritual Life
- Shared Values
A step-family has a great opportunity to restore what was taken away from children through the divorce of their biological parents. Children will have an opportunity to watch their parent and stepparent follow the Lord and model a lifelong commitment to each other. A family might become a step-family through challenges like a divorce, one or both spouses had children out of wedlock and they marry someone with or without children from a former relationship, or a child’s biological parent dies and the surviving parent remarries. No matter what circumstances led to forming a step-family, God desires each home to be a safe and nurturing place for a child to experience God’s love, grace and goodness. There are many new challenges that a step-family will face, but Jesus promises to be the Lord over their home if a couple turns to Him for daily help and guidance. The Step-Family LIMRI will give couples resources and practical applications that can bless and enrich a combined family.
Recommended Book:
Parenting your Children into Adulthood: Forming Lifelong Friendships with Adult Children (by Ron Hitchcock)