Coupon for Healthy Behaviors
The Healthy Behaviors Assessment gives an exhaustive look at the emotional health of a relationship. This assessment identifies the frequency of attitudes and behaviors that are extremely damaging to a relationship. The absence of these types of behaviors and attitudes will help to confirm that you have chosen someone who also values a safe and validating relationship. A couple should seek help immediately to address any regular pattern of unhealthy behaviors.
A healthy couple will establish personal and relational (upheld by both people) boundaries that create an environment which is safe and nurturing. Healthy boundaries provide the assurance that unhealthy behaviors have no place in their relationship. This means that each person in the relationship must be willing to be held accountable for any controlling or unhealthy behaviors by seeking help from an experienced counselor and pastor.
Couples will respond to eighteen statements that assess a wide range of topics such as texting, criticizing, anger, and control. The report will give a side by side comparison of the man and woman’s self-view and their views of each other.
The report categorizes the responses of the couple into three areas of engagement: Disagreement (strength) by disagreeing with the statements couples are indicating that these behaviors are not active in their relationship, Agreement (Improvement Needed) by agreeing with the statements one or both people have indicated that a pattern to these behaviors is present in their relationship.
- Demographic questions create a personalized inventory and worksheets based upon the relationship status. Statements will read, boy/girlfriend for dating couples, fiancé for engaged couples and spouse for married couples.
You will receive a personalized report, growth plan and worksheets.
- Improvement Needed Worksheets are generated when one or both people agree that an unhealthy behaviors is active in their relationship. Each worksheet uses Scripture, Principles, Discussion Questions and Practical Applications. These resources will help the person who is on the receiving end of these behaviors to discover how damaging it is to a relationship.
The Bible teaches that humility and deference are preferred values in our relationships, but these become especially significant when a couple becomes more serious about their commitment to each other. Loving and serving others (especially your boy/girlfriend, fiancé or spouse) leaves no room for manipulative, controlling or abusive behaviors. (Jn13:34-35).
Any unhealthy behavior can only be changed by the person who is expressing it. They must be responsible to get help and become accountable. The person who is receiving such treatment is not responsible in any way for these behaviors.
We highly suggest that a couple work with a relationship coach to ensure that any indicators of abusive behavior is properly addressed.
Going Further – Resources
Recommended Book: The Journey to Oneness: Enriching, Renewing and Reconciling Marriage Relationships (by Ron Hitchcock).
Going Further – Church Support
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