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Parenting Our Children
The Parenting Our Children Assessment is a valuable resource for married and cohabiting couples who have biological children with each other. A couple who also parent children from a former relationship will need to purchase the Stepparenting Assessment.
The Parenting Our Children Report identifies thirteen areas of engagement between parents and children. Parents who support each other’s discipline and have a nurturing and playful relationship with their child will develop a high level of trust and respect with each other. They will also discover that children thrive in a home that is nurturing, trusting, playful, and respectful. Demographic questions create a personalized inventory based upon your relationship status. The statements will read boy/girlfriend for dating couples, fiancé for engaged couples, and spouse for married couples.
The Parenting Our Children Assessment will help you discuss:
- Teamwork.
- Discipline.
- Quality time.
The report aligns each person’s answers as Agreement or Improvement Needed.
- Strength worksheets that help couples to celebrate their agreement (strengths).
- Improvement needed worksheets that help couples have a guided conversation about establishing a loving and Christ-centered family.
- All worksheets use Scriptures, Principles, Discussion Questions, and Practical Applications.
- Growth Plans are devotionals that help couples begin their journey of enrichment.