Shared Spiritual Life
Dating, engaged, and married couples will significantly benefit from a shared spiritual life. The simplest way to describe the spiritual life is connecting to God, and couples want to experience this together. Most people describe their spiritual life through disciplines that include prayer, worship, Scripture reading, and serving others. When combined with fasting, celebrations, fellowship, solitude, confession, and gratitude, these disciplines will keep you rooted in God’s truth.
Don’t be surprised if your partner has a different way of connecting to God than you. Perhaps the man connects most intimately with God through nature while the woman experiences intimacy with God through corporate worship. A couple will be enriched by sharing what God is saying and doing in each other’s lives as they connect to God. A couple needs to know how their spouse/fiance or boy/girlfriend is being stretched or blessed by God.
Research shows that talking about faith and connecting to a faith community are highly desired in a relationship. A couple will respond to nine from personal and shared faith practices such as We agree with each other in faith and values; I regularly share spiritual insights with my fiancé.
The Shared Spiritual Life Assessment will help you discuss nine essential areas of faith that serve as the foundation of every choice, plan, and response to successes and struggles in life. The Shared Spiritual Life Report gives a side by side comparison of the man’s and woman’s views about themselves and each other regarding their faith and beliefs. The statements will read boy/girlfriend for dating couples, fiancé for engaged couples, and spouse for married couples.
The Spiritual Life Report also includes:
- Strength worksheets that help couples to celebrate their agreement (strengths).
- Improvement needed worksheets that guide couples to discuss areas of improvement or disagreement in their expression and practice of faith and strengthen their relationship.
- All worksheets use Scriptures, Principles, Discussion Questions, and Practical Applications.
“The desperate need today is not for a greater number of intelligent people, or gifted people, but for deep people.” —Richard J. Foster.
Going Further – Resources
Recommended Books:
- The Journey to Oneness: Enriching, Renewing and Reconciling Marriage Relationships (by Ron Hitchcock).
- Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster
- Sacred Pathways by Gary Thomas