Spiritual Life
A shared expression of faith is an essential characteristic of dating, engaged, or marriage relationships. Research shows that men and women in a relationship rate faith as highly desirable in a partner/spouse. The simplest way of describing spiritual life is connecting to God. Most people describe their spiritual life through spiritual disciplines that include prayer, worship, Scripture reading, attending church, and serving others.
The Spiritual Life Assessment uses eight statements to measure spiritual engagement, such as praying for my spouse regularly; my spiritual gifts positively affect our relationship; I/we extend grace to others. A person’s faith guides their choices, plans, and response to successes and struggles in life, work, and family life. The spiritual life Report gives a side by side comparison of the man’s and woman’s views about themselves and each other regarding their faith and beliefs. The statements will read boy/girlfriend for dating couples, fiancé for engaged couples, and spouse for married couples.
The Report validates areas of engagement as Agreement or Improvement Needed.
The Spiritual Life Report also includes:
- Strength worksheets that help couples to celebrate their agreement (strengths).
- Improvement needed worksheets that guide couples to discuss areas of improvement or disagreement in their practice or expressions of faith.
- All worksheets use Scriptures, Principles, Discussion Questions, and Practical Applications.
- Growth Plans are devotionals that help couples begin their journey of enrichment.