Coupon for Shared Values
The Shared Values LIMRI offers couples a unique opportunity to enrich their relationship. A couple’s shared values score of sixty four percent or greatest is a strong indicator of couple satisfaction. Couple satisfaction is a way to describe the quality of a relationship.
All relationships need regular attention and enrichment. The Shared Values LIMRI addresses the most significant areas that influence the quality of a relationship.
Your relationship status and parenting responsibilities will determine the number of value statements—between forty-five and sixty-four. Values statements include areas such as finances, faith and family. The statements will read: boy/girlfriend for dating couples, fiancé for engaged couples and spouse for married couples.
You will be bringing a valuable resource and gift into your relationship by choosing the Shared Values LIMRI. Many couples struggle in their relationships due to unspoken “non-negotiable” values. A non-negotiable value includes things like: I will never have alcohol in my home, I will never acquire debt, or I will never have a relative live with us.
These types of non-negotiable values are not always motivated by self-centered behaviors. Many of these non-negotiable stances are often formed by circumstances in a person’s family of origin that were negatively influenced by alcohol, debt or a relative living in their home.
The shared values inventory will help couples identifies some of these unspoken values and discover ways of developing shared values that are not motivated by unhealthy behaviors or circumstances from someone’s past. A couple that can identify these types of non-negotiable values will be able to guard their relationships from controlling behaviors.
The good news is not all non-negotiable values are unhealthy. Couples must discuss what their values are and how they can honor and support each other’s values.
You will receive a personalized report, growth plans and worksheets.
Strength worksheets help couples to celebrate their Agreement (strengths) in multiple categories of engagement.
Improvement/Disagreement worksheets use Scriptures, and Practical Applications that allow a couple to discuss areas of their friendship/leisure that have become stagnant or dormant due to various changes.
These worksheets and growth plans will help a couple to discuss areas of strength, improvement needed and disagreement in their relationship. The growth plans and worksheets will help a couple to discover new ways to enrich or improve the quality of their relationship.
Shared values are the glue to a healthy and vibrant relationship. These values will develop and nurture respect, honor and trust in dating, engaged and married relationships.